Ordination of Fr. Joshua (22nd July 2022)
Click on the first photo to start the gallery in sequence, then use the right/left arrow keys on the keyboard to move through the photos.
Deacon Joshua
Opening Prayer
Deacon Joshua & family
A large number of Oblates from the Australian Province attended
First Reading by Josh's future sister-in-law Claire
Incensing the Gospel
Resonsorial Psalm by Josh's brother Aaron
Gospel read by Deacon Christopher Maher OFM
Homily - Bishop Mark Edwards OMI
Moment of Ordination
Examination of worthiness
Fr Christian Fini OMI (Provincial of the Australian Province)
Bishop Mark asking if Joshua accepts his responsibilities as an OMI priest
Joshua accepting his responsibilities
Litany of the Saints
Laying On Of Hands
Oblate Prayers over Fr. Joshua
Oblate Blessing of Fr. Joshua
Removal of Deacon Sash - Presentation of Priestly Garments by Joshua's parents
Installation of Stole
Insatllation of Chasuble
Presentation of Chalice & Paten
The Fraternal Kiss
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Gift from the Parish
Message from the Chair of the PPC
Thankyou Speech
Final Prayer
Fr. Joshua & Family
Oblates of the Australian Province (+1)
Fr. Joshua Nash OMI